Prezentt Saves the Day with Corporate Training Presentation

We hear from Jeff Robson about his recent experience using Prezentt to deliver a corporate training course, and how Prezentt helped save the day.

I was recently engaged to run a customised, five day in-house training course in Tehran, Iran which, contrary to popular opinion is actually one of the friendliest, most interesting countries I’ve ever visited.

Prior to the course starting, the client sent through a list of the areas they wanted me to cover. All the topics were within my areas of expertise so I prepared all the training notes and had them printed and delivered to the training location.

The course started well and everyone seemed to be enjoying the training. Everything was running smoothly, until we reached the second day when all of a sudden, the participants came to me and said that they didn’t actually want to learn about the topics I’d prepared … they wanted to learn about a number of totally different areas.

Something obviously got lost in translation somewhere along the way!

Tehran, Iran
Tehran, Iran

Nightmare on Training Street!

I had to come up with a revised course … fast! I went back to my hotel that evening and spent the rest of the night preparing a new set of notes from some other materials I already had, as well as expanding on their main areas of interest.

But how to get these to the participants, along with a whole new set of exercises, a new evaluation test, and a new satisfaction survey and quickly?

I didn’t know where to buy 20 extra CDs that I could load with all the new materials. And printing 20 sets of the new notes would have cost a fortune at the hotel!

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What to do?

I uploaded all of my new notes into Prezentt along with all the new materials and links to the evaluation test and survey, then simply gave out the new Prezentt link to the participants the next morning, at the start of the day.

All they had to do was simply log in and access all of the new notes and other course materials, without me having to do anything. Together, we then used Prezentt for the remaining 3 days to take their notes and ask private questions between participant and myself.

At the end, I had all their contact details to stay in touch via email newsletter and LinkedIn and could also see which files had actually been accessed, so I knew what had resonated the most with my audience.

Financial Management Team
Financial Management Team

Prezentt: an Absolute Life Saver!

While this certainly isn’t the ideal training scenario, there are almost always unexpected things that arise during training courses and this story provides a great illustration of how Prezentt can be used to quickly, easily and efficiently distribute training presentation materials to a large group of people in real time.

It also shows how Prezentt can be used to cut massive amounts of administration time and cost out of corporate training course preparation.

Prezentt really saved the day!

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