Running International Training Courses Without Printing!

Prezentt Co-Founder Jeff Robson travels quite a bit, delivering both in-person and online instructor-led training courses without the hassle of printing materials, all using Prezentt. His most recent experience and how Prezentt saved the day comes to mind: Jeff, was running back-to-back international training courses in India, Papua New Guinea (finishing on Friday), then another … Continued

Prezentt Presents to Perth Angels

Real Life Angels Sent in to Help Prezentt CEO, Justin Davies, presenting to the Perth Angels If you wanted to invest in a startup, where would you begin? Perth needs to develop its own ecosystem of private investors with a strong interest in facilitating the growth of early-stage ventures, according to the Western Australian Angel Investors. … Continued

Prezentt-ing Training

Prezentt is the perfect companion for face-to-face Training Courses The more control you, the presenter, have over your audience, the more likely they are to do what you tell them. So in a training situation, once you’ve organised WiFi access, you can easily say to everyone “We’re using Prezentt today since it enables you to … Continued

PowerPoint + Prezentt = 75% Audience Engagement!

I recently gave a presentation on Capital Raising and Information Memorandums to about 70 entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs at the Innovation Centre of WA. That’s nothing particularly unusual – I give presentations quite often. What made it special was the results I got from using Prezentt: 75% of the audience interacted with me in some … Continued

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