Success Story: Beating the Competitors on Training Delivery

  Customer A rapidly-growing, mid-size training company based in Singapore that runs courses throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Business Issues Under pressure to reduce costs without reducing the quality of the training experience. They printed the training manuals for each course locally in Singapore, then couriered the manuals to the training location, usually a hotel or … Continued

Online Learning vs Face-to-Face Training

When you compare online learning vs face-to-face training, it’s clear that the future is blended Then: It was predicted that online shopping will take charge in the future and gradually all physical stores will die. eCommerce will kill shopping malls! Now: Shopping malls have grown in number and strength. Real estate agents operating in US … Continued

How I Run International Training Courses Without Printing

I often travel quite a bit, presenting international training courses so Prezentt regularly saves the day for me! Here is my most recent example: Recently, I was running back-to-back international training courses in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea (finishing on Friday), then another course in Perth, Western Australia, starting on Monday. We’d recently updated our … Continued

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