Getting the Best from Training Surveys and Polls

Please complete the survey

We are stating the obvious when discussing the importance of training surveys and polls. Why are they so cumbersome and seen as time wasters regardless of whether they are in a manual or digital format?

The typical response rate to surveys and polls is between 10 – 20%. Fairly unimpressive, given the amount of consideration that goes into producing them!

So, what is the magic formula to achieve poll and survey engagement in training and is it simply a time issue?

Let’s make training surveys and polls fun!

Access Analytic’s, intrepid globe-trotting trainer Jeff Robson advises “Length and timing go hand in hand and are the 2 vital ingredients to engagement in surveys and polls.”

Training Surveys and Polls Best Practice

Jeff, has extensive international training experience and is an active Prezentt user. He achieves a regular 70%+ engagement by attendees and has shared his magic formula:

  1. Five (5) well worded questions are generally all you need. Less is best and consider how they appear on screen. Take advantage of Prezentt’s custom polls and surveys to design questions that suit you and your attendees best.
  2. Consider what you are evaluating and be specific about its purpose
  3. If you are measuring content uptake, design your questions around learning outcomes
  4. If you are measuring trainer performance, design your questions around delivery not necessarily around personality
  5. Consider timing. If you are doing a post course survey, give attendees the challenge just before you deliver your summary at the end of the session. Remember polls and surveys can be utiilised before during and after courses and you can apply the same principle
  6. Use Prezentt because when attendees complete any poll or surveys everything is automatically tracked so you know both who and when. Perfect!

Take advantage of Prezentt’s custom polls and surveys

If you have other strategies it would be great to hear from you or contact us to take advantage of Prezentt’s custom polls and surveys, just leave your details below.