PowerPoint + Prezentt = 75% Audience Engagement!

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I recently gave a presentation on Capital Raising and Information Memorandums to about 70 entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs at the Innovation Centre of WA.

That’s nothing particularly unusual – I give presentations quite often.

What made it special was the results I got from using Prezentt:

75% of the audience interacted with me in some way: downloaded slides, asked questions, commented, or took notes. Plus, I can contact any one of them because I have their details.

85% of those who interacted also connected with me on LinkedIn when I sent a request through a few days later.

I also have several promising leads that I’m following up, and by being connected, I now have the potential for further business later on too.


When was the last time you achieved 75% audience engagement?

Without Prezentt, I don’t know of any way that anyone can achieve this kind of result!

Normally, as a speaker, you only get to speak to 2-5% of your audience, get a few business cards, then try (usually in vain) to remember what each person wanted and give up, feeling guilty about that stack of business cards sitting on your desk that you really should have done something with.

Why not just use Prezentt instead! It pays for itself many times over with just a single presentation!

Try it free today


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