Why you’ll be running Paperless Training Courses sooner than you think!

Drowning in a Sea of Paper

Training Companies, do any of these sound familiar:

“Our training presenter *still* hasn’t sent through his slides. We’re running out of time!”

“Arrrgh! The training venue has lost all the packs we sent over! What are we going to do?”

“What’s this delegate’s e-mail address? I can’t read their handwriting.”

If you’re involved in organising face-to-face training courses, you no doubt know the kinds of problems that arise all the time:

  • Constantly chasing trainers to get the training materials off them in time to get them printed.
  • Printers that don’t deliver on time, lose your order, or deliver the materials to the wrong address; and venues that lose your training materials
  • Hand-written records that take ages to manually enter or are impossible to read.

… not to mention the massive amount of administration time and cost involved in printing, collating and distributing all that paper.

… and the environmental impact of killing all those trees.

… and the fact that most training materials get filed away somewhere by the delegates, often never to be seen again!

Simplify your life … remove the paper!

No more paper

Increasingly, innovative training companies are running paperless training courses using systems like Prezentt where the trainers simply upload their course materials into the system, then delegates access these online via a laptop or tablet.

Running paperless training courses provides so many benefits for training companies:

  • All the administration time, cost and hassle of printed training materials totally disappears!  Mid-size training companies often save hundreds of thousands of dollars every year!
  • Trainers can make as many last-minute changes as they like, right up until about 30 minutes before the course starts – no more constantly chasing them to extract their materials!
  • Attendance records are automatically created, complete with name and contact details, ready for importing into your CRM, marketing program, social media contacts, or mailing list.
  • Link to online feedback forms and remove the need for data entry (from forms you can’t read!). Collect feedback effortlessly and cut out even more administrative time and cost.
  • Delegates are increasingly requesting electronic course materials – this is the way of the future! Going paperless positions training companiess as innovative, environmentally-friendly, and helps meet the needs of their delegates.

Trainers and delegates also love paperless systems:

  • At any time during the course, trainers can upload relevant files or links which are then immediately available to all the delegates: like a private Dropbox. This comes in handy to answer unexpected questions, provide forgotten materials, make materials available at specific points during the training, and to provide access to content created during the course (think “virtual butcher’s paper” … except everyone can read it)
  • Delegates can ask questions at any time (e.g. if they’re too shy, have a confidential question, or only think of their question after the course has finished).
  • Delegates can interact and collaborate online via private discussion forums.
  • Delegates can add their own notes to those of the trainer to personalise the course and help them remember it.
  • Delegates have 24×7 ongoing access to all the notes and materials in one place that’s always right at their fingertips.  No more lost course notes.

Try it out! It’s the way of the future!

Contact us to arrange a demo and let us answer any questions you may have about how this will work for you.

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