How I Run International Training Courses Without Printing

I often travel quite a bit, presenting international training courses so Prezentt regularly saves the day for me!

Here is my most recent example:

Recently, I was running back-to-back international training courses in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea (finishing on Friday), then another course in Perth, Western Australia, starting on Monday.

We’d recently updated our training format so I had to edit the slides on the plane on the way to Australia.   That meant there was also no time to get everything printed & bound, and very little time to create USB’s for everyone either.

Prezentt the International Training LifesaverPrezentt, the Life-Saver!

Prezentt was an international training life-saver once again as I simply uploaded all my training slides into Prezentt.

This avoided all the printing & binding that would normally be required.  I don’t know about you, but previously I would have either been in the office until all hours of the night, getting everything ready, or alternatively, I’d have to outsource this.

Either option is both costly and time-consuming!

I also uploaded all the training exercises plus all the other files, templates, and other files & links that I’d normally burn onto a CD or load onto a USB.

This was SO USEFUL!!

I simply walked in on Monday morning, all the participants connected, and then they immediately had access to everything.

Everyone found it easy to use, they automatically received PDF copies of the training materials, plus they added their own notes to the slides as they went through.

As the course progressed, I uploaded the content we created into Prezentt too, making it immediately available to everyone in the room.

I also automatically received all their contact details so was able to connect with each person on LinkedIn and add them to our newsletter list.

The title of this article isn’t 100% true as I did print the evaluation forms … however stay tuned as these will be going online very soon too!

There’ll be some really cool features that will help trainers and international training companies not only capture all the information from the forms automatically, but also prompt participants to share their rave reviews with their social networks!

International Training in Port Moresby

Prezentt makes it easy for you and your attendees to use and it is easy for people to connect with you even out of the training presentation.

Find out more about using Prezentt for your next presentation!

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