How to Make Your Corporate Training More Effective in 2017

With the year coming to an end, you’ll want to find ways to make your corporate training more effective in 2017.

There are many ways and many resources available to help you prepare.

However, with so many choices out there, it can be intimidating to determine what and when to use them all. We’ve collated a list of the best methods to help you make your corporate training more effective in 2017.

Examine Previous Training Sessions

Make your corporate training more effective by examining past training sessions that you’ve done. Even if they’re just short sessions, it’s good to review them and learn from both the mistakes made and the things that worked well.

Examine how they were planned, executed and implemented to see if the objectives for the sessions were achieved. Evaluate success from every angle – not just the feedback forms – to help you improve your training strategy.

Every training session is a learning opportunity for you too so self-reflection and evaluation should be part of your overall development strategy.

Read between the lines of your evaluation forms.  What may seem like a tiny issue in your eyes may actually be considered major to your attendees.


How has Attending your Session Changed your Attendees’ Lives?

Your job is to ensure that trainees are not only enjoying the session, they need to be learning and changing their behaviors as a result.

If you don’t already do this, consider reaching out to previous attendees to check and evaluate what’s changed for them as a result of attending the corporate training.

You may get some fantastic testimonials as a result.

Track Progress and Take Action

You can make your corporate training more effective by tracking the progress of sessions along the way … not just afterwards.  Consider using a really short survey part-way through the session to see how everyone is tracking.  It’s better to know if someone is struggling or unhappy sooner rather than later so you can take action accordingly and prevent a disaster.

If hand-outs were distributed or training materials were emailed to the participants, you have no way to ensure materials are being used effectively.

When using Prezentt, trainees get access to training materials using any device with a browser and take their own private notes, ask questions, or participate in online discussions. Upon completion of the course, they get an automatic e-mail with links to download the training materials with their notes. This makes it easy for you to see which materials your attendees were most interested in.

When you track training materials, you’ll  know where trainees might be having difficultly in the program and where they might have questions. You have the opportunity to reach out to individuals to encourage them to continue training and ask what obstacles may be preventing them from attaining completion.

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Simple Activities During Training Sessions

Corporate training sessions should be fun, interactive and engaging so make sure you’re including some of the following activates:

  • Quizzes

You can begin your corporate training session by letting attendees know there will also be a follow-up quiz in the training session. Provide simple prizes such as chocolate or granola bars. This way, attendees stay engaged and even become a little competitive when there are prizes to be won!

  • Small group discussion

You can assign attendees into small groups and give them case studies or work situations to discuss or solve. This is a good way for you to see if the first half of your corporate training session was informative or otherwise.

  • Case studies

Case studies are an excellent way for attendees to apply in a real situation scenario. By analysing real event-related situations, trainees learn how to handle similar situations. They also see how various elements of a job work together to create problems and solutions.

Each of these can be done very easily using the Prezentt training delivery platform.

Include a Q & A session

Be prepared for questions, encourage them, and allow time for them. Set aside at least 15 minutes before the end of your corporate training session for questions. Q&A sessions are very effective in refreshing and summarising what has been learned.

Always ask for Feedback

Finally, the best way to make your corporate training more effective is by asking for feedback, anonymous or not. When you’re using Prezentt, all feedback is collected for you electronically so you can review & analyse everything later.


It’s easy to start making your corporate training more effective. Start with the ideas above and ensure you also use Prezentt to make your sessions easier to deliver as well as more effective and engaging.

The sessions you deliver in 2017 should be your best yet!

Let us know how you go!

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