How Blended Learning Models Improve Learning Outcomes

“How should trainers develop blended learning models, that give us a road map to meet required learning outcomes and manage the smart devices that invade our training rooms?”

The future is blended learning models

This question about blended learning models resonated strongly with the audience at this year’s Australian Institute of Training and Development (AITD) conference).

As you can imagine there was much conversation generated by the diverse audience in attendance.

Conference presenter & Director at MCI, Dr Denise Meyerson, shared her journey and expressed wholeheartedly the amazing opportunity that blended learning gives to trainers and attendees.

She also cautioned that if we ignore technology, we will become obsolete.

This mixture of instructional modalities turns the smart device into an interactive learning tool, rather than a training space invader.

So, how should we approach the complexities involved in creating blended learning models?

Breaking down the training learning models into manageable processes is the key. Justine La Roche, Director at Curve Group gave some commentary to this challenge “before we tackle the design and type of blended learning models we must ask ourselves, what’s the purpose and what’s the magic we’re trying to create?”

Training expert, Charles R Graham, describes three common blended learning models in his book “The handbook of blended learning: Global perspectives, local designs”

  • Enabling blends: which combine flexibility, convenience and access,
  • Enhancing blends: which provide a deeper learning experience
  • Transforming blends: that create fundamental paradigm shifts

Once the purpose is confirmed, the next phase is to create the magic in the mix, that interweaving of activities between modes to diminish distraction and engage attendees.

Tania Vercoelen, Learning Technologies Adviser at Linklaters and instructional designer also has some great tips about creating blended learning models:

Tania’s key points about Blended Learning Models:

  • structure and personalize your blend,
  • know your audience,
  • collaborate,
  • tell the story,
  • communicate the blend.

In the recently updated Future of Training ebook, Jeff Robson confirms blended learning models are game-changers for trainers.

They are taking learning to a new level of engagement and enabling trainers to access and provide the very best mix of instructional modalities using systems such as Prezentt.

Follow this simple but succinct process from leaders in the profession and this may help you create your blended learning models and enjoy the rewards.

Get the Benefits of Blended Learning Models in your Training Room

To find out more about how Prezentt can help you deliver blended learning models, leave your details below.

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