Prezentt launches new presentation editor

Our product team have been busy over the last few months, creating a new presentation editor which we are proud to announce is now live for everyone.

Based on the feedback from our wonderful customers, you’ll now find creating a new presentation faster, simpler and more seamless than ever before.

Our developers have been working hard to make creating a presentation in Prezentt from your Powerpoint, Prezi or Keynote files the easiest it can be. From speed improvements, through to our new product tour, these changes have been warmly received by our regular users.

Some of the more notable changes with the latest release of Prezentt include:

New product tour

Some of our customers were finding that it took them a few minutes to understand all of the features of Prezentt when creating and sharing their first presentation. As a result, we’ve created a quick pop up tour, which walks you through what each section of the presentation creation page does, and how to best utilise Prezentt for your next presentation. You can access this tour anytime you like: just click the TOUR button at the top right.

Easier to understand interface

We are big believers in simplicity is best. So we’ve simplified our presentation creation interface, making it more intuitive and reflective of the presentation page your audience will see, and creating better contextual help and better labeling.

These changes make it ever easier to publish your next presentation on Prezentt.

Faster to upload and access

A major optimisation overhaul means that your Prezentt presentation page is now 19x faster to load, which means it is quicker for you to create and get onto delivering your presentation – and faster for your audience to follow along as well.

Better upload feedback

We’ve received customer feedback that it is sometimes not easy to know that the upload of your presentation to Prezentt is actually happening. So we’ve added a progress bar with time to complete, so that you can see the progress to your presentation being ready to show.

In Summary

These new features reaffirm our commitment at Prezentt to make your presentations more interactive and pleasurable to deliver. We continue to develop and publish more useful features to Prezentt – making our product even more valuable for anyone who wants to share a presentation online – and collect meaningful feedback and leads.

Have a feature suggestion? We are keen to hear it! Let us know by email or using this handy feedback form.

Prezentt Presentation Editor

2 responses to “Prezentt launches new presentation editor

  1. Hi guys I have tried several times to request a demo but I keep getting told that I haven’t entered the Captcha correctly? Can someone help please

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