Running International Training Courses Without Printing!

Prezentt Co-Founder Jeff Robson travels quite a bit, delivering both in-person and online instructor-led training courses without the hassle of printing materials, all using Prezentt. His most recent experience and how Prezentt saved the day comes to mind: Jeff, was running back-to-back international training courses in India, Papua New Guinea (finishing on Friday), then another … Continued

How I Run International Training Courses Without Printing

I often travel quite a bit, presenting international training courses so Prezentt regularly saves the day for me! Here is my most recent example: Recently, I was running back-to-back international training courses in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea (finishing on Friday), then another course in Perth, Western Australia, starting on Monday. We’d recently updated our … Continued

Prezentt: Saving the World, One Training Course at a Time

An Instructor-led Training Course doesn’t have to be so costly! By replacing paper training course materials with online resources, Prezentt is saving the environment, one training course at a time! But reducing the time and cost of handling paper is just the beginning. Facts  The World Counts provides some interesting facts about paper: By the time … Continued

A Beginners’ Guide to Effective Public Speaking

Public speaking is one of most people’s deepest fears, and even those who are proficient public speakers do get nervous beforehand. It is all about getting noticed by the audience when you are on stage and getting them to listen to what you have to say. Also known as glossophobia, the fear of public speaking … Continued

Prezentt Saves the Day with Corporate Training Presentation

We hear from Jeff Robson about his recent experience using Prezentt to deliver a corporate training course, and how Prezentt helped save the day. I was recently engaged to run a customised, five day in-house training course in Tehran, Iran which, contrary to popular opinion is actually one of the friendliest, most interesting countries I’ve … Continued