Why eLearning is NOT taking over the world

It’s good, but … There is a lot of buzz around regarding eLearning, blended learning, online learning etc. For companies, it provides an opportunity to save big dollars on their corporate training costs.  For staff, it allows them greater flexibility because they can fit training in around their busy schedules, re-watch parts they didn’t understand … Continued

The top 3 TED Talks all Presenters should see

There are many great TED presentations. If you’re a presenter, or involved in public speaking some way, make sure you watch these 3 key TED talks: 1. How to Speak to that People want to Listen (9:58) Julian Treasure details the key things speakers should practice if they want people to listen.  Includes some fantastic … Continued

Prezentt-ing Training

Prezentt is the perfect companion for face-to-face Training Courses The more control you, the presenter, have over your audience, the more likely they are to do what you tell them. So in a training situation, once you’ve organised WiFi access, you can easily say to everyone “We’re using Prezentt today since it enables you to … Continued

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