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If you’re running a course that’s similar to one of your previous courses, copying a presentation is the easiest way to set this up.

There are two ways to copy a presentation.

1. My Presentations page

If you’re on the My Presentations page, click Copy from the presentation’s dropdown menu.


2. Editing a Presentation

If you’re already editing/viewing an existing presentation, simply click the Copy button.

What Happens when I copy a Presentation?

Prezentt copies everything over to a new presentation and puts the word “Copy” on the end of its title.

The slides, files & links, and presentation settings are all copied from the original.



Prezentt also copies all the individual slide images.


If you want to use a new slide deck, simply click Replace once this has finished and upload a new PDF.

Replace presentation



Creating a New Presentation  |  Updating a Presentation

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