More Effective, Less Expensive Training Courses

What is Prezentt?

Prezentt is a training delivery platform that makes instructor-led courses cheaper & easier to run, more engaging & more interactive.

How does it work?

We save costs by moving course materials & evaluation forms online, which cuts the huge printing, binding and distribution cost.

After participants complete their evaluation forms, we prompt those with high ratings to share these on their social media, helping training companies sell more courses in future.

We capture all the details of everyone who attended, even late arrivals and substitutions. All details can be downloaded then imported into your CRM, mailing list, or social media accounts.

Trainers continue to use PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi as normal to deliver the training courses and simply place a copy of their notes into Prezentt, along with as many other files and links as they like. They can even add to these throughout the training course.

Participants access the training materials using any device with a browser and can take their own private notes, ask questions, or participate in online discussions. At the end of the course, they get an automatic e-mail with links to download the training materials with their notes.

All course materials are secured with a private PIN to help restrict access to only those who have paid.

Some of our Customers

Edith Cowan University, Curtin University, Aventedge, Petroedge, Ethan Hathaway, Neo-edge …


– Winner of the 2014 WAiTTA award (R&D category)
– Finalist at the 2014 iAwards
– 2015 top 10 Aussie Startups from Ideas Hoist
– Prezentt included in the Top 30 Presentation Software tools in the world: Bizzabo

Next Steps

Request a demo to see it live and discuss how this would benefit you.

Where did the idea come from?

Prezentt started life as the brainchild of Jeff Robson. As founder of another business, Access Analytic, he was experiencing the exact problem that we set out to solve – running presentations and training courses, and being frustrated with the process of sharing content, and deriving value (as a speaker) from the sessions.

Together with Justin Davies, they developed & refined the idea, focussing on how to make this process better, and how to improve the interaction between a trainer and the participants. Market validation indicated that this was a really important problem to solve for trainers, training companies and educators.

After sketching on a lean canvas plus a bunch of pencil drawn wire-frames, a minimum viable product version was developed and Prezentt is available for you now.

Our vision is that lecturers, trainers, speakers, and training companies throughout the world will be able to substantially increase engagement and efficiency as a result of using Prezentt.

Read the Case Study

Get Involved: Help Improve the World’s Learning & Development

Our passion to improve learning and development throughout the world.

It’s a simple goal, but one with profound repercussions.

As digital disruption continues to accelerate, huge numbers of people will require re-training, re-skilling, and up-skilling to cope with the changes that occur.  Learning and development is already a huge part of the economy and is only going to increase.

If you’d like to be a part of improving the world’s learning & development, tag #prezentt in your next YouTube video, blog, tweet or article that helps in this area and we’ll feature the best ones on our site!

And, if you have ideas on how Prezentt could be better, please tell us! We review all requests, and prioritise them based upon how many of our users also want that feature.

You can also subscribe to our newsletter (see below) to receive regular product updates and tips that help you become a better speaker. We will also share ideas on get more from Prezentt.

Find out about the Prezentt Team – and, if you haven’t already, request a demo to see it live.